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IBrowser . type

Type of the browser

cliText-based web browsers operated through the command line, used for browsing websites without a graphical interface.cURL, Lynx
crawlerAutomated programs (bots) that systematically browse the web to index websites for search engines.Googlebot
emailSoftware used to access and manage a user's email.Microsoft Outlook, Thunderbird
fetcherAutomated programs (bots) that retrieve specific URLs on-demand to extract metadata or generate previews.Twitterbot, ChatGPT-User
inappEmbedded browsers within mobile apps to open web content without leaving the app, typically with minimal controls.Slack
mediaplayerApplications that access web content specifically for playing media files.VLC, Windows Media Player
moduleSoftware components or libraries used within larger applications to fetch or interact with web content.Axios, Scrapy

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