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withClientHints<T>(): PromiseLike<T> | T

Recently, Chrome limits the information that exposed through user-agent and introduces a new experimental set of data called Client Hints🡭.

Chrome also sends this Client Hints data by default under Sec-CH-UA-* HTTP headers in each request, along with the legacy User-Agent HTTP header. In server-side development, you can capture this extra information by passing the req.headers to UAParser() (see examples below).

In browser-environment, obtaining the Client Hints data via JavaScript must be done in an asynchronous way. You can chain the result object from get* method with withClientHints() to also read the client-hints data from the browser which will return the updated data in a Promise.


In Node.js or in browser-environment without Client Hints support (basically anything that's not Chromium-based), withClientHints() will return the updated data as a new object instead of as a Promise.


Client Hints are widely supported by most recent Chromium-based browsers (version 85+) such as Chrome, Edge, Opera, etc. While Safari and Firefox doesn't support it due to privacy concerns.


Client Hints headers are only available in secure contexts🡭, such as HTTPS connections (https://) and locally-delivered resources (e.g.,, http://localhost, file://). If your server doesn't use HTTPS, Client Hints headers won't be sent by the browser and you may not be able to fully utilize the extended capabilities of UAParser.js in parsing Client Hints data.

Code Example

Client-side Example

(async function () {  
    const ua = new UAParser();

    // get browser data from user-agent only :
    let browser = ua.getBrowser();
    console.log('Using User-Agent: ', browser);

    // get browser data from client-hints 
    // (with user-agent as a fallback) :
    browser = await ua.getBrowser().withClientHints();
    console.log('Using Client-Hints: ', browser);
// alternatively without async-await:
const ua = new UAParser();

ua.getBrowser().withClientHints().then(function (browser) {
    console.log('Using Client-Hints: ', browser);

Server-side Example

// Suppose we got a request having these HTTP headers: 
const request = {
    headers : {
        'user-agent' : 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36',

        'sec-ch-ua-mobile' : '?1',
        'sec-ch-ua-model' : 'Galaxy S3 Marketing',
        'sec-ch-ua-platform' : 'Android'

// parse only "user-agent" header
const result1 = UAParser(request.headers);

// also use "sec-ch-ua" headers, in addition to "user-agent"
const result2 = UAParser(request.headers).withClientHints();    

console.log(;       // "Linux"
console.log(result1.device.type);   // undefined
console.log(result1.device.model);  // undefined

console.log(;       // "Android"
console.log(result2.device.type);   // "mobile"
console.log(result2.device.model);  // "Galaxy S3 Marketing"

new UAParser(request.headers)
        .then((browser) => {
    console.log(browser.toString());    // Chrome 

Create a Simple HTTP Server

const http = require('http');
const uap = require('ua-parser-js');

http.createServer(function (req, res) {

    // you can also pass Client Hints data to UAParser
    // note: only works in a secure context (localhost or https://)
    // from any browsers that are based on Chrome 85+

    const getHighEntropyValues = 'Sec-CH-UA-Full-Version-List, Sec-CH-UA-Mobile, Sec-CH-UA-Model, Sec-CH-UA-Platform, Sec-CH-UA-Platform-Version, Sec-CH-UA-Arch, Sec-CH-UA-Bitness, Sec-CH-UA-Form-Factors';
    res.setHeader('Accept-CH', getHighEntropyValues);
    res.setHeader('Critical-CH', getHighEntropyValues);
    const result = uap(req.headers).withClientHints();

    // write the result as response
    res.end(JSON.stringify(result, null, '  '));
.listen(1337, '');

console.log('Server running at');

UAParser.js v2 is licensed under AGPLv3 or PRO licenses.