Articles & References
- History of the browser user-agent string🡭 —Aaron Andersen
- The problem with User-Agent strings🡭 —Niels Leenheer
- All You Need to Know About Browser's User Agent String🡭 —Saadnoor Salehin
- Automatically Personalize E-Learning with User Agent —Charles Palmer
- Building a Modern ReactJS App to Detect Browser and Device Details🡭 —Ghazi Khan
- Determining User Device Type (Mobile or Desktop) in a Node.js Environment🡭 —Hongji Li
- Device Detection with User Agent Strings🡭 —Gao Wei
- Get User Fingerprint using UAParser.js🡭 —Maciej
- How to Allow Only Specific User Agents in Next.js🡭 —Anonello Zanini
- How to Detect Mobile Browsers with JavaScript🡭 —Alex Ivanovs
- Prompt installation in PWA is a nightmare unless you know this.🡭 —Dibesh Raj Subedi
- Browser detection using the user agent🡭 —Mozilla
- Detect Windows 11 and CPU architecture using User-Agent Client Hints🡭 —Microsoft
- User-Agent Client Hints🡭 —WICG
- User-Agent Reduction🡭 —The Chromium Projects