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How to Detect macOS > 10.15.7

It's currently impossible to detect macOS > '10.15' only from user-agent data. This issue is primarily caused by macOS version being capped at 10.15 on all major browsers:


Since rolling out its user-agent reduction program, Chrome user-agent in macOS will always identify itself as: Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7

Luckily, there is a kind of workaround by utilizing client hints feature:

const uap = new UAParser();

let os = uap.getOS();
console.log('Based on user agent: ', os); 
// { name: "macOS", version: "10.15.7" }

uap.getOS().withClientHints().then(os => {
    console.log('Based on client hints', os); 
    // { name: "macOS", version: "11" }

See more: withClientHints()


Client hints feature is only supported in Chromium-based browsers (Chrome, Edge, etc.). In other browsers like Firefox and Safari, withClientHints() gives no effect to the result and still detected as macOS 10.15.7.

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