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UAParser Class Overview


new UAParser(uastring?: string, extensions?: Record<string, RegexMap>, headers?: Record<string, string>): UAParser

When called with the new keyword, it will return a new instance of UAParser.

const parser = new UAParser("your user-agent here"); // you need to pass the user-agent for nodejs

const parserResults = parser.getResult();
        ua      : "",
        browser : {},
        engine  : {},
        os      : {},
        device  : {},
        cpu     : {}

UAParser(uastring?: string, extensions?: Record<string, RegexMap>, headers?: Record<string, string>): IResult

When called without the new keyword, it will directly return the results of getResult():

const parser = UAParser("your user-agent here");
        ua      : "",
        browser : {},
        engine  : {},
        os      : {},
        device  : {},
        cpu     : {}


In browser environment you don't need to pass the user-agent string, as it should automatically get the string from the current window.navigator.userAgent.

Whereas in Node.js environment, user-agent string must be supplied, usually you can find it in: request.headers["user-agent"].


The methods are self explanatory, here's a small overview of available methods:

returns the browser name, version, and major.

returns CPU architectural design name.

returns the device model, type, vendor.

returns the browser engine name and version.

returns the operating system name and version.

returns all function object calls, user-agent string, browser info, cpu, device, engine, os.

returns the user-agent string.

set a custom user-agent string to be parsed.

UAParser.js v2 is licensed under AGPLv3 or PRO licenses.